Elements of the MAAP process:
- Ideation
- Market assessment
- Product/service development
- Test market, manufacturing scale up, begin sales/commercial training
- Solution launch
- Continuous sales/commercial training
Benefits of the MAAP process:
- Structured process - Drives the innovation process through a phased format
- Flexibility - Accomodates simple product line extensions all the way through major product line introductions and even acquisition and partnership scenarios
- A team approach - Brings in all organizational disciplines into the innovation and growth process
- Market and strategy driven - Creates a structured ideation process that focuses on current products, geographies, and market continuums in order to develop a list
of adjacencies for consideration as new growth opportunities
- Goes beyond solution launch - Most processes stop at solution launch, MAAP develops a continuous learning process after the actual launch aimed at creating "subject
matter expertise" so your commercial team "teaches" your customers